mardi, janvier 27

I read quite a lot, mostly fiction. No genre of preference, though I do find that books with both science fiction and religious themes do make a deep impression. I'm constantly on the lookout for good books to read, so in time to come I'm actually hoping to start a book review/commentary bit. So do leave a note if there are books that you want to share. Happy reading.

I suffer from "typist's block". I have so much to write, but everything seems to dry up when I'm actually sitting in front of the keyboard.

jeudi, janvier 15

This is quite cool. Check out the 100 most misspelled words in the English language. Thanks to

dimanche, janvier 11

I've been surfing around for a reason to own a blog. What do people do with their blogs? Who reads them anyway?

I'm just trying to justify what I'm doing here.

Current music: My Immortal by Evanescence